Monday, June 20, 2011

The Silent Monks of Rythnal

We have seen most of it. We have heard the rest. We have never spoken.

We have been here fasting on the Seventeenth week of the coming of Labyr. We have been here while the West Witch attempted to convert the Motherland to a land of Fairie. We have been here to see her lose against the combined forces of this World’s Greatest Heroes.

We have seen the Jariksh tribe infiltrate Earth. We have seen them sow the seeds of distrust and discord. We have seen hatred beyond humanity. We have seen the masked hero known as The Face weild the Sceptre and banish that Otherworldly abomination.

We have witnessed the Fall of Dr. Hoff. The eccentric Zimbabwean who carried out experiments on humans and liked pineapple on his pizza. Some called him the Witch Doctor. But we alone know his bizarre secret and his ultimate defeat at the hands of the African savior White Lion.

We stood and heard of tales of the Night’s horde. Those demons of madness unleashed by one man’s folly. A man whose search for justice blinded him to what is right and what is easy. We heard of their plunder in the mountain kingdoms, their slaughter of the Royal family and their eventual spree of devastation in India. We knew about the rise of a mighty warrior in that land who would vanquish this evil forever - Vajra.

We have collected knowledge through time and space. We have seen the Lady Hatch attempt to destroy us and steal this knowledge. This compendium of history, not only of man and superman, but also containing ideas from alternate histories and written by parallel universe monasteries. We have written about her plan being foiled by Mr. Ink, Rojo and The Buccaneer family.

We have witnessed the curious incidents surrounding the elections in New Zealand. The earthquake that split Australia in two halves. The loss of life and kind in the ocean. The disappearance of the mysterious Mr. Ink. He might not have been a good man but he had good intentions.

A new fear arises. The Dawn of the Wolf Moon. A period of horror and torment for all of humanity. A period of darkness and pain. Our sight shows us death and devastation brought about by the Wolf. We see the brink of extinction. We have stared into the eyes of true evil and written about it. We have seen the end of the world.

And then we have seen us standing here again.

Alone. Forever.

[A sheaf from a scroll obtained in the lost library of Mr. Ink]

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