Saturday, January 8, 2011

Cannibal Tim: Episode I

Episode I

"I have to watch what I am doing."

This is the first thing Tim said to himself. 
Everyday. He had to. 

Society hasn't really matured enough to accept cannibalism. Tim was a cannibal. He ate people. But not just any people. Tim had a job. He talked. For a living, Tim delivered talks on 'The Single Salesman' and 'Why You need to get up and get out?' These talks usually attracted the kind of sappy females Tim liked to eat. 
The kind that would lap this crap up. Ironic considering that he was the one delivering that crap. Human error. Just because he was a cannibal doesn't mean, he wasn't human. He had a certain charm. He was known in the circles.

Tim never approached anyone. He waited for them to come. First one to reach him was the lucky prize.
"Welcome to Café Tim. Pick a table and lie down on it.
Would you like to be carved?
Would you like a nice hot fire?
Or the usual knife to the heart work for you?"

Big brown eyes would gaze into the female's soul and she would fall. They would talk some more. Tim would do his whole time-tested routine and a meeting would be set up. Tim would show up and the rest as they say would be dinner.

This worked for Tim.
He was not particularly greedy. He delivered about two such seminars a month. Usually out of town. He would kill only once. Being on the road had its advantages, no one to wait for you at home and ask awkward questions. Though Tim would have probably eaten the person waiting for him at home. He wasn't violent by nature. In fact, in school he had been voted 'most likely to die alone in the end'.
Since then, Tim had eaten 3 of his classmates and he was particularly looking forward to meet Judy. be continued


  1. Yes, Why can't no one read Episode I? It is in 4 parts..

  2. Reminds me of dexter

  3. This was funny :D

    Off to read part two :)


  4. Much like Patrick Bateman Tim is... Pat was gaudy while Tim is a charmer

  5. Aah, yes. American Psycho.
    Bret Eaton Ellis is pure genius.

    Tim's charm is actually just a device to get at people. He doesn't want them. He just wants to eat them. :]
