Friday, January 21, 2011

Cannibal Tim: Episode V

Previously: Episode IV -> Episode III -> Episode II -> Episode I

Episode V

The Jaguar hit them at full tilt.

Time seemed to slow down. Tim, by virtue of not having been fastened, was hurled out of the car via windshield. Dan the anesthesiologist was a very good teacher.
There was no pain as Tim landed on his cold ass. He could see the Jag. It had smashed his humble car.
Judy couldn't have chosen a more incorrect moment to be hungry. The seatbelt didn't let her move. The smoke was a clear indicator.

The car blew up.

Tim calculated the time. He was right. Full mobility would return in 15 minutes. Judy had obviously planned on getting wherever she wanted to take him in that time.

Tim started moving his legs as soon as a sliver of feeling returned in them. He crawled. Tim cautiously checked the Jag. The occupant was speared. Pain was slowly returning to him. He checked Judy.

She was crisply done. Her skull had been blown open. She couldn't have survived. Not after all this. Sirens could be heard in the cold distance. Tim started crawling towards the nearest desolate warehouse. Blood flowed from his ear-hole. He was starting to feel woozy.
He kept his head tilted at an angle; last thing he needed now was a blood trail.

On his way there, Tim came across a brain. He surmised it to be the occupant of Judy's now empty, fried skull.

Tim usually had standardsBut this time it was personal. And he was hungryHe picked the brain and sniffed it.
It didn't smell good. He couldn't eat that crap.

After all, Tim had taste.

...the end?


  1. the end????? :P
    Writing, as superb as always, <3-ed it.

  2. this is so amazingly morbid that its funny and disturbing at the same time :D
    Loved reading!

